Does Your Life Confirm God’s Will?

This week we’ve watched as nominees for some of the highest offices in our nation have undergone the scrutiny of Confirmation Hearings.
If your life was brought under such observation, would there be enough evidence or testimony to confirm or deny your relationship with Jesus Christ?

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A Winsome Life Will Win Some

Do you ever struggle with how the Bible presents a world that you find difficult to exist in? Me too… Here I share one word that helped me a little further along my journey. Blessings, myriad and mighty be yours!

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I enjoy the game of chess.  I’ve learned by watching players much better than myself, that most skilled players place a lot of importance on the strategy of selecting the best ‘first move’ to gain the advantage.  This may very well be true.  But for someone like myself, I don’t believe any challenge is over […]

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Prayers Gone-a-Fowl

How are we praying for guidance to fix the systemic problems in the Black Church? Or Are We? Some would question if our churches are actually concerned about the mounting neutralized impact the local Black church is having in American culture. Perhaps this may be one reason. What do you think?

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Get Woke!

What if you were told there was a alternative world that exists which was truly the “real” one and this world was merely a distraction? How would you respond? Well, that’s exactly what the Jewish people learned when Jesus resurrected from the dead and sent Holy Spirit to empower them to live in both worlds. They got woke, will you?

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Raising Teenagers: An-‘Other’ Perspective

  Often when introducing our children to people, especially parents of older children, we often hear this – apparently prophetic – declaration: “You just wait until she/he becomes a teenager!”  And invariably my wife will always quietly say to me later, “That doesn’t have to be our children’s story.”   Well, with three teenage children I find Kay […]

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Law or Grace: Which is Raising Your Child?

Is your child being raised by the law or by grace? What’s the difference? Is one better than than the other? How were you raised? What results should you expect from your discovery?

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Contemplating Racial Dissonance

Today we recognized the 1st Anniversary of the massacre of 9 Black Christian parishioners of the Mother Emmanuel A.M.E. Church of Charleston, South Carolina as they gathered for a weekly Bible Study. As such, I am compelled to share a moment with you from my morning meditation this past week.  I invite you to join […]

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